Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Triggers in AA

A huge part of my recovery is building a strong social network in recovery.  I had avoided doing this in the past, when it would have been the only thing standing between me and a relapse.  I was recently invited to an event by a fellow club member.  My first thought was that I wanted to make myself go, despite any social anxiety, because these events are great ways to make lasting friendships in recovery.  Then, after closer examination, I realized that the event (a Christmas ornament exchange) was going to be held in a bar!  Now, I realize that I have no chance of drinking at an event with 60 other sober members, but even walking through a bar and seeing others drinking can be triggering this early in recovery (77 days and counting).  I brought this up with a counselor and decided not to go.  I have no doubt that I'd make it through the event sober, but I don't want to put any pictures or ideas in my head that might trigger me in the coming month.  I need to protect my sobriety with my life.  My counselor also brought up a very good point, in that anyone in the program will be completely understanding of my absence if I explain my reasons for skipping the event.

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